BHBi is an Institute of Consulting "Premier Practice".
BHBi can provide temporary Internal Audit support, outsourced / partnered IT Audit Services, Accountancy support, and a vast range of consultancy within our core competencies of internal control, risk management, and corporate governance / assurance.
Consultancy Services includes;
- External Quality Assessment Services
- Benchmarking
- Risk Management Facilitation, Assurances, Control Risk Self Assessment, Education
- Internal Audit Assurance; co-sourced, partnering, contracted, IT Auditing
- IT Audit Services
- Management & Leadership training, assessments, skills transfer, professional programs to develop your teams
- Accredited professional training programs and support
- Mentoring & Coaching
Consultancy Assignment experience includes;
- 5 years delivering high quality internal audit services to an Agency of the Ministry of Defence, operating across 4 geographically dispersed sites, with an annual turnover of £140 million. The outsourced contract for Internal Audit Services was awarded to BHBi and was delivered in compliance with Government Internal Audit Standards.
- 3 years of ongoing IT Audit support to major Government Department.
- Change management over merger of 3 teams into one single assurance team.
- Support and advice to leading UK charity on risk management.
- IT review of a charity’s back office systems
- Design and delivery of managed training provision for national professional firm
- Design and delivery of variety of workshops to transfer knowledge into large teams
- Pilot, design and deliver virtual training utilising state of the art video conferencing
- External Quality Assurance (EQA) Standard 1312 reviews conducted for several major Plc's
- Support for AZIC Zimbabwe Association of Professional Consultants in roadmap to achieving International Membership recognition and professional qualifications delivery
- Speakers for Conferences & Events, including International Central Bankers, CIPFA North West & Wales, IIA Wales & South West Regions, ACCA Wales, Government Heads of Internal Audit Conference, South Wales Chief Internal Auditors.
For further information, contact us