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Qualification in Internal Audit Leadership


training you to become professional auditors

Today, growth and change in the internal auditing field is demanding a new type of leader — one who drives a high performing audit team while delivering value by consistently addressing stakeholder needs, top-down risks, and expectations of an evolving marketplace. The IIA has developed the Qualification in Internal Audit Leadership™ (QIAL™) to support you on this journey to be the next generation of visionaries for the profession. So whether you’re an aspiring leader or an audit executive (AE), the QIAL is the right qualification for the next stage in your career progression.

BHBi has led the Internal Audit marketplace in delivering high level Internal Audit & Management training to aspiring leaders through its Triple Qualifications leading to Chartered Internal Auditor (PIIA/ CMIIA), Level 7 Masters equivalent Diploma's in Strategic Management & Leadership (MCMI) & Chartered Manager status (CMgr), within the UK. BHBi now prepares delegates to meet the challenges of being an Internal Audit Leader and to achieve success in the QIAL Case Study processes, as well as with Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) training delivery. Our training excellence is now available to you through distance online learning and through face to face classroom delivery. Our trainers are passionate about your success.

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Accredited By

institute of consulting premier practice
CIPFA Accredited
institute of consulting premier practice
leadership management wales
chartered management institute approved

  In Partnership With

institute of internal auditors

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Mark Barnes

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Mark Barnes

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Mark Barnes

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